These parts have been printed out on a well calibrated 3D printer with a heated bed ensuring that there is no warping and use PLA filament. PLA filaments are extracted from biodegradable materials. In addition to being environmentally friendly, PLA filaments also print in low temprature which greatly reduce the warpage.
All parts were printed according to Johann's recommended specifications and using the latest Github files found at https://github.com/jcrocholl/kossel.
This is for use with 20mm x 20mm aluminum extrusions and building the Kossel 3D Printer, further information can be foundhttp://reprap.org/wiki/Kossel.
PLA, Polylactic Acid, is created from processing a number of plant products.
PLA can be composted at commercial facilities unlike ABS which is derived from fossil fuels, Our fine grade PLA filament (Poly Lactic Acid) is derived from corn starch and is biodegraded in an active compost heap. We recommend PLA for beginners as its more forgiving and easier to work with as it cools & sets faster reducing warpage.
PLA is a more earth friendly plastic. It is stronger and more rigid than ABS, and in general the printed objects will have a more glossy look and feel compared to ABS, unlike ABS, PLA can be sanded and machined.
Package list
3x Bottom motor frame
3x Top vertex frame
3x Endstop holder
3x Belt clip
3x Roller carriage
1x Extruder mount
1x Effector
1x Retractable probe
1x Fan mount
1x Terminal block
3x Spool mount
1x Spool guide
After you assemble them, it will look like this.
( The filament, extruder, hot-end, nut, screw, bearing, rod arm, rod end, belt, pulley, teflon tube, heat bed, roller wheel, endstop, spring, and aluminum frame are not included in this listing )